Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Big Game

Brigg approached his principal about a month and a half ago, asking if there was a possibility of having an unofficial soccer game after school some time. She thought it was a wonderful idea and encouraged him to do it, but explained that he would have to be responsible for finding teachers and or parents to volunteer their time after school to coach. He talked to the P.E. teacher first, he couldn't do it but offered the school Jerseys to be used. He found 4 other people, two teachers and two fathers who gave their time.

Yesterday was the big day, after all the permission slips were turned in, the game started with 58!! players. We're so proud of Brigg and his determination to get this game accomplished.

Don't worry....I wont give you the proud parent slide show commentary with each picture. These are some of the highlights from the super fun game.

Brigg is wearing a green shirt with tan shorts and is on the blue jersey team

Tate is wearing a red shirt and jeans and was on the red jersey team.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I love it when.....

Its all too easy to look at the same old day staring us in the face and feel worn or down about our lot in life and how mundane tasks become. The same routines day in and day out. The same whining, the same tattling, the same struggle to make ends meet.

Self admittedly I've been a bit down lately, or focusing on the negative instead of the positive. I've lost sight of how much I have to be grateful for. So a couple days ago, I started thinking of things that I love in my crazy wonderful routine called life. These are a few of the things I thought about, some small and insignifigant but I've noticed them and they have made me smile......


I love it when my three year old tells me...."I want to bought that" on every commercial promoting a new toy.

I love it when the boys read with sleepy voices and yawns during family scriptures in the mornings.

I love it when I get butterflies from hubby's picture showing up on my cell phone when he calls.

I love it when Tanner, at the age of 14 still kisses my cheek and tells me goodnight before he heads to bed.

I love it when Tate laughs his real uncontrolled laugh

I love it when Brigg calls me Ma.

I love it when Kobe dances like a ballerina

I love it when Emma tucks her hair behind her ears

I love it when Corwin tells me about his day at school in intricate detail

I love it when Briar wants to be held like a baby

I love it when my siblings call me

I love it when I get a text from a friend

I love it when my kids recall memories of my parents

I love it when the kids use too much ketchup

I love it when my kids say "back forward" instead of rewind

I love it when our youngest, every time she hears a set of keys jingle, she yells.."Bye Dad"

I love it when my hubby leaves for work, because he has a job to go to and..... I especially love it when he comes home at night


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We pulled up these shots today and my jaw hit the floor.
YUM AND RAWR BABE!!! HUBBA HUBBA!!!! MMEEOOWW!!!(insert a sexy whistle and an eyebrow raise here)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shameless Plug

My Sweetheart of 14 years, has been through a lot this last year. He is, as always a huge source of strength to me. I am so proud of him and the decisions he's made. As many of you know, he cut his head open in a quad accident, broke his neck in two places and he had Gastric Bypass surgery. He has been working really hard at his weight loss. He has a new BLOG, where he is journaling his journey. He has decided to take part in the Tour DE Scottsdale marathon. It is a 70 mile race. I have watched him train and he is nothing short of an inspiration. So everyone please, stop by his sight and give him a well deserved pat on the back. two nights ago, he rode 40 miles. Watching this transformation has been a miracle and blessing in our lives.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Tonight after Miss Em's bath, we were brushing her hair, and she was crying. "I want a shortcut Mommy, it hurts when you brush it" So I started thinking. Last year during swimming season, if I didn't put it into a tight bun before she swam, it was a nightmare to brush through. So I did it, something I thought I would NEVER do. Cut my babies hair short. Short hair is for boys after all. BUT we LOVE IT!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

Happy Easter from our little bunch of Crazy Wonderfuls. =o)


So we're watching a movie as a family and this conversation happens, and I wonder. Do kids really understand what they are watching?

Watching "Journey To The Center Of The Earth"

Main boy actor says: I call dibs on the Tour guide
Main adult actor says: Your 13 you can't call dibs on her

Kobe: What are dibs?

Brigg: Ice cream thingies

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Seeing Red...

Not that kind of red....

This kind of red. Briar spent 30 minutes doing this. "Dora's all red mommy LOOK"
Ah the wonders of a child.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Feeling Especially Gypped Today...

I'm feeling especially Gypped today. I don't normally talk about it, but I'm just so sad.
I decided to take the kids to the mall to play. I needed to pick up a little gift for a baby shower, so kill 2 birds with one stone right?

Well I got to the mall before they opened at 9:30 while all the fun cute little snow birds are still there walking the mall for exercise. So the first little couple passes me and I smile, they nod and smile, the second set stops and pats Corwin on the head making a comment about how cute he is. At this point a little twinge in my heart reminding me how much I miss my Mom and Dad.
So we make it to the little play center and I look up and on the second story is the cutest little couple so far, the man has his arm around his wife and they are looking over the railing adoring and talking about all the cute little kids. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying, then in comes one, two, then Three couples to sit and watch the kids. Two sets have a couple grand kids in tow. And I couldn't help it. I started crying, in front of all these people I don't know.
I felt like a 30 year old orphan who's kids are seriously Gypped out of grandparents. Mom and Dad were the best grandparents, always reading books, a sitting just to rock or hold the kids.

GRRRRR Why! Why do some people get to have parents until they are old themselves, while I have none, and no Grandma's and Grandpa's to spoil my babies.
I hate sounding bitter. I'm grateful for the years that I did have with them. I'm just sad today for some reason. More so than usual.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dinner Time Conversation

Emma: Damn it! I can't get in behind the bench

Mom: What did you say Emma?

Emma: Damn it......

Brigham....(eyes wide)
Tate...(lowers his eyes to his plate)

Dad: Emma, that is a bad word

Emma: What is....Damn it?

Mom: Yes Emma, it's a bad word and you can't say it.

Emma: Only Mom's and Dad's can?.....................

Dan: Only very angry Mom's and Dad's can.

Mom: (flash Dad a dirty look) SIGH..............

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My weekend in Numbers

2~ Sick Babies

Dan spent 1.5~ hours working on the pool and fishing a total of 10~ oranges, (1 of which was sucked in and stuck in the return) 3~ pool toys and 1~ pair of goggles. (all thanks to the above mentioned sick babies, aka my daily double dose of "Don't do that!")

1~ Crazy Son who doesn't know its Winter

He successfully retrieved 5~ Rocks and 1~ bottle cap (also thanks to the "wonder twins")
2~ future missionaries, reminding their mother why it was all worth it.

1~ Finally pink toting sister moving to Utah with her 6~ sons and 1~ baby girl.

Countless tears falling by all the Oakes clan that will miss them terribly.

1st~ family get together at Mama and Daddies house (Now Lynnie's House) in 5~ years. 47~ family members

Hundreds upon Hundreds of Meals made in this kitchen.

4~ Siblings, 4~ in-laws, 34~ Nieces and Nephews 3~ Great nephews

1~ Favorite Sis-in-law (that's right I said it)

And 1~ Super awesome (most sexy and wonderful, down officially ~107~ lbs) Sweetheart.

RAWR baby! Nuf said