Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Weekend in Numbers

7- The weeks it's been since Dan-Da-Man broke his neck

1- Date Night. Thanks for hanging with us Homies...Da Whettens

6.5- The hours of yard work done Saturday

YAY It's finally green~!~

6- The loads of laundry done

- The number of loads I have left

3- The times we vacuumed this weekend

1- Trailer unloaded of camping equipment

1- Quad, FINALLY unloaded from the trailer

5- Things crossed off the "To Do" list

116.91- Reminders why we don't take the kids out to dinner very often

579.31- Reasons why I'm Hating SRP today

~ The best part, look at the envelope. HAHA "Your New Improved SRP Bill Inside"......Can I have the less improved one back....please!?!

3- Naughty kids during sacrament meeting

1- The number of those Naughty kids taken home early

103.5- Briar's Temp (no wonder she was so naughty)

7- kids playing in the rain

4- The number of outfits Briar has changed into today. You can tell she's not feeling well, its usually at least 6

Checkin her bad self out!

1- Crazy wonderful Weekend


Stephanie said...

You are hillarious. Your yard looks great, and i'm so happy for you getting your trailor and quad unloaded! How fun the playin in the rain, we went for another walk in the rain w/the kiddos today, they loved it too! And WHY is Briar sick again, thats no fun!

Smith Family said...

What a crazy weekend! Your yard is very nice looking! Mine is full of weeds and we can't buy weed and feed here because Germany doesn't like it! AHHH! Hopefully Briar will get better quickly without any of the others.

Rhonda said...

To one and all,

I'm afraid Briar's fever can be attributed to the fact that my crazy wonderful friend watched my 2little fevering kids so I could go to dads viewing w/o chasing said little fevering kids. Thanks so much but I'm so SORRY that Briar's sick. :(

If it is any consolation the fever stayed just that (no puking or respiratory stuff) and was gone in a couple days. This is one thing I'm so sorry to share.

Rhonda said...

p.s. A shout out to YOU was freshly posted on my blog. Thanks for everything.

Diane said...

you crack me up! nice SRP bill.. ouch! mine just doubled to 270 and i thought i was jacked!

Becky said...

LOVED this post, Rach! The yard does look great and so does Dan's scar (it's not as noticable as I thought it would be).

SRP bill--OUCH! We are on the Managed Payment Plan where we pay the same amount every month and all year long we pay $225. I hate bills (but the envelope is pretty funny!). :)

Anonymous said...

fun post! can't believe dan was at church...he head looks alot better than those other pictures you posted!
we love TEXAS! yummy! i could use some ribs right now!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

This is an awesome post! I've done that before. Definitely not as cute as yours because I was a beginner and didn't use pictures for visual interest, but it was fun, nonetheless. Check it out here: . So you are the couple with the broken neck that babysits seven kids and has people over for BBQ's! You are amazing! You sound like an awesome person. I know I will be checking your blog often. Do you mind if I put you in my friends' link? Keep doing what you're doing!

Diane said...

nice try!! it would actually be YOUR turn for the rest of our friendship! not too much ice & diet dr. pepper please! thanks much. :)

Billie said...

Cute post!