Thanks Rhonda for Tagging me, It's my first time too ROCKIN! K here goes; list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts about yourself, then tag 5 people other people.
1. My Family...anything that involves my kids and my most excellent husband. spending time with extended family and really close friends that I consider family.
2. Listening to my kids laugh
3. Seeing my husband smile
1. Losing one of my children
2. Losing my husband
3. Failing my family as a wife and mother
1. Remaining worthy so that I can have an eternal family
2. To become completely money savvy, quit spending so much (OK, I kinda just laughed...but ya)
3. To improve on the kind of mother I am.
~Current Obsessions~
1. QT ICE....I want ice, in fact I want some right now (be right back)
2. Sigh.....Chocolate
3. Loving on my kids and hubby =o)
~Surprising Facts about me~
1. I don't love ice cream, I won't say hate because I will eat it if I have to, but ya totally overrated stuff! Bring me cake or a brownie or something else, anything else...Ice cream is blah
2. I love watching people, the way they talk to each other, the way they interact. Dan a lot of times has to get my attention when we go to dinner because I'm always studying other people. People fascinate me.
3. I don't trust anything man made. Airplanes, bridges, dams, the stupid little defib thing they keep trying to talk me into putting in my heart! NO WAY! Gives me the heebies just thinking about them.
OK, now I'm gonna tag people I don't know a lot about so....Cami, Christina, Jess, Rachel and Traci.
8 years ago