Friday, June 27, 2008

Tag I'm It!

Thanks Rhonda for Tagging me, It's my first time too ROCKIN! K here goes; list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts about yourself, then tag 5 people other people.


1. My Family...anything that involves my kids and my most excellent husband. spending time with extended family and really close friends that I consider family.
2. Listening to my kids laugh
3. Seeing my husband smile


1. Losing one of my children
2. Losing my husband
3. Failing my family as a wife and mother


1. Remaining worthy so that I can have an eternal family
2. To become completely money savvy, quit spending so much (OK, I kinda just laughed...but ya)
3. To improve on the kind of mother I am.

~Current Obsessions~

1. QT ICE....I want ice, in fact I want some right now (be right back)
2. Sigh.....Chocolate
3. Loving on my kids and hubby =o)

~Surprising Facts about me~

1. I don't love ice cream, I won't say hate because I will eat it if I have to, but ya totally overrated stuff! Bring me cake or a brownie or something else, anything else...Ice cream is blah
2. I love watching people, the way they talk to each other, the way they interact. Dan a lot of times has to get my attention when we go to dinner because I'm always studying other people. People fascinate me.
3. I don't trust anything man made. Airplanes, bridges, dams, the stupid little defib thing they keep trying to talk me into putting in my heart! NO WAY! Gives me the heebies just thinking about them.

OK, now I'm gonna tag people I don't know a lot about so....Cami, Christina, Jess, Rachel and Traci.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hair, Teeth and a Shower.

Seems like a month has passed since Fathers Day. Life here in the crazy wonderful is still just that, crazy and wonderful. Dan continues to heal from his injuries, he has an appointment with the neurosurgeon next week. It was supposed to be this week, but unfortunately his Grandmother passed away. She has been ill for quite awhile so we were grateful from her release from suffering.

The "BIG news" in hour little house, is that Emma lost her first tooth this week. So today I went to take a picture of it and lo and behold, the tooth right next to it was just hanging there, yikes! so anyone who knows ME knows that I just HAD to pull it out.

I've never had a kid lose a tooth before they were six, so it was unexpected. Also, her top right is loose. Needless to say the tooth fairy is going broke here in the crazy wonderful!

So today I picked up Dan's sister Jen from the airport, she will be staying with us this week YAY! We met Dan for lunch, and came home for haircuts. Ready for the before and after? JUST A HEADS UP! tHeY aRe CuTe (ok~ok I'm bias what can I say)

Corwin was up first....

Then Tanner...he didn't want his picture taken, (must be a teenage thing, did I mention I'll be the mom of a teenager in 2 weeks I'M SO OLD) but I managed to sneak in a shot a little after I started. Go figure he wasn't looking at the camera for the After shot either! I got your teenage attitude RIGHT HERE~WHATEVER!~

Is it just me or does he look scared?

Poor Kobe, the poor looked over middle child. I forgot his BEFORE picture so this one will have to do. It was going to be my pic of the day, taken a couple days ago. Note: his hair grows like doesn't, but we couldn't leave him out now could we.

Notice the missing teeth, I think he's missing 5 currently. Like I said..... La hada dental no tiene mas dinero!

Then Brigg, he was mad at me for cutting his hair, he said, and I quote...."but mom, long hair is SO IN and I want it long because I like the way it feel." We can all see how that conversation ended, with my scissors attacking his mop.

Ya know, I'd kill for my hair to grow as fast as this kids!

Then Tatie Boo

So if I accomplish nothing else today (and I won't) At least my kids don't look like WT anymore.

Now to the PiNk Baby Shower....No BoYs AlLoWeD!

All these cute little chocolate faces...and the culprit????

oH yA bAbY!

Now, to wind down my post, My "Pic Of The Day"

I asked Tanner to put Briar to bed last night, this is how that turned out...No jam's and whats that?

OH YA a Dora Tennis shoe. But she is asleep and thats all that matters.....right?

Reporting Live from The Crazy Wonderful, I'm Rachel Taylor.....Peace Out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Reflecting on the events of the last few weeks in our lives, I find myself today, so very relieved to embrace this wonderful holiday where we celebrate fathers.

It is my first, without my sweet Daddy.

Honestly, all of May I was dreading this day coming. I knew it would serve as a reminder of what I have lost. Instead, (although I do feel sadness missing him) I find myself very happy and content.

I've grown up with a wonderful Father, who I am indeed grateful for. His lasting impression in my life is a positive one full of happy and heart felt moments. But what I want today, more than anything else, is to focus on my wonderful, sweet husband.

In my eyes, he stands as a daily reminder of the kind of parent I want to be. He is patient and kind, intelligent,gentle and long suffering. He is quick to find humor in situations that otherwise wouldn't be funny. He sees beauty in things others don't even notice. Dan, I draw strength from you. I respect you and Love the Man that you are. I want to thank you for living the crazy wonderful with me. For sharing your love with our 7 children. I am so blessed. Happy Fathers Day Dan. I thank you, and love you.

I'm sure, like me, you often feel
When all is said and done
The job of raising kids today
Is not an easy one.

I'm glad you're there beside me
To counsel and advise
And help me find the answers
To their never ending "whys?"

I'd be lost without your shoulders
So much broader than my own
To lean upon when problems
Seem to big to solve alone.

As long as we're together
We can weather storm and strife
And take in stride the ups and downs
That go with family life.

And someday when our little ones
Are old enough to stand
Straight and tall without the need
Of any helping hand -

We won't recall how hard it was
We'll just be proud and glad
We happened to be chosen
For the roles of Mom and Dad

Friday, June 13, 2008

What's in a day?

We took the kids to see kung fu panda, 10:20am showing (such a cute movie). The kids were all fantastic and NOT ONE had to get up and go to the bathroom. The last movie we saw (iron man) each kid went pee like 3 times...sigh.

Then it was home to swim for couple hours. I'm toasted on my back....feels really good!
After dinner I took out Dan's stitches. KICKIN HUH!

Remember the before?

Here's the After...LOVE the green eyes RAWR!
Progress is progress eh?

Almost 3 weeks down 9 more to go. Next week is X rays and back to the neurosurgeon to check on the progress of the neck fractures, and one visit to the Wound Center in Chandler for his head. He still has staples in...I was kinda bummed I wasn't brave enough to take them out too. Its so good to see him looking normal again. I missed his sweet face.

BEDTIME ROUTINE one of my favorite parts of the day. Tonight however Emma and Briar were fighting over a baby doll. Emma has it hidden under her tummy (tell me thats not uncomfortable), Briar decided to go hulk on her. The picture is frightening to say the least!

Finally, I am reminded of a story in the scriptures......

KINGS Chapter 3

22 And the other woman said, Nay; but the living is my son, and the dead is thy son. And this said, No; but the dead is thy son, and the living is my son. Thus they spake before the king.

23 Then said the king, The one saith, This is my son that liveth, and thy son is the dead: and the other saith, Nay; but thy son is the dead, and my son is the living.

24 And the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword before the king.

25 And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other..... We all know how that story ends. It made me smile thinking about cutting the doll in half. Good thing that baby doll is one of a set of twins huh!

And lastly my Corwin. Just to prove that I do have sons too, since it seems I only write about the girls. This is Corwin's favorite shirt. His buddy and namesake Corwin Oakes brought it to him. My sister-in-law Maribel found it in Kohl's, and after spending 3 days with Corwin, she said she had to get it for him. Its very fitting. My poor misunderstood child. The last boy AND he's stuck between the two girls. He never had a chance.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stolen Cookies & Swimming

I caught Briar with these cookies. I stood watching her wishing that I didn't have to scold her for getting into them. So as I stood there for a moment trying to decide the best approach to her "consequences" I realized this pattern. (pretty funny) Take the cookie, break it open, eat out all the cream in the center, lick it a few times, JUST to make sure she got it all off then says "here Navvy" and throws whats left over the arm of the chair to the overly excited cookie loving dog...repeated oh...6 or 7 times. I couldn't help but laugh.

step one...scrape as much out with your top teeth

step two, finish it up with the lowers, before tossing aside

I mentioned the other day that Ann (my sis) came and got Tanner, Emma and Corwin to stay a few days. The 3 boys left at home kept whining, "we never get to do anything fun" "why don't we get to have a sleep over at Annie's house" (again...insert mental image of me rolling my eyes) So I let them each have a friend over to go swimming.

Tate and his friend Victor

Brigg and his friend from church Wil

Kobe and his buddy Ben

I always have a hard time when all my kids aren't home. I kept telling myself that I could make it until Wednesday evening, they are having fun, think of all the housework you can get done without Corwin and Em....needless to say I was miserable, even with the kids that came over to play. 3 boys, 3 extra friends 3 of my kids at Ann's it evens out right? WRONG. As soon as I dropped off their friends I drove out to Ann's and picked them up. Dan called me about 40 minutes after I left to find out where the heck I went. I admitted I caved and went to get the kids. He just laughed at me.

When we got home Dan and I went swimming with the kiddos, had dinner then watched the boys play on the X box. AHHH LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Water & Invitations

Our weekend was good, full of family, friends and fun. Friday we went on our first date in awhile. We went to dinner with Jed & Rhonda. It was nice to get out of the house together going somewhere besides doctors offices.

Then Saturday morning we got our housework and yardwork done early. Tanner helped me with the yardwork, while Dan and the other kids tackled the jobs inside. A little after noon, Becky & Jeff and thier wonderful kids, along with Mary & Rick came for a barbeque. Dan fried up some hamburgers and hotdogs, while Jeff and Beck let the kids help with making homemade ice cream (So yummy btw). G&G brought with them a bunch of those swimming noodles, the kids had a blast swimming and hanging out with cousins.

After our company left, we watched Mr. Beans holiday (so stupid!) but my kids and hubby thought it was wonderful and funny. Around 6:30 my sis Ann and her kidos showed up and swam for an hour. It was a really fun (and tiring) day.

Today I sat down to put together the invitations to Heather's (my sister) baby shower. She has 6 boys and Doc says this one is a girl. I'm not sure who's more excited, her or her me. =o)

I think they turned out pretty cute. She is naming her Cydney Lee after our Mother. While I was putting these together, my sister Ann stopped by and kidnapped 3 of my kidos for a few days. Tanner, Emma and Corwin all went to her house until Wednesday....or until I miss them too much and go pick them up.

I mostly wanted to post so that when I came to the blog, those gross pictures of Dan's head weren't the first thing that popped up. =o)

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Dan got the packing taken out of his wound today. They have told us that it has to heal open. He's doing a little better and we shouldn't have to deal with the trauma center anymore. He's been referred to a "Wound Center" that deals only in open wounds, that's progress I think. His doctor said it looked good, at least he didn't have an alien growing out of his head anymore. =o)

He's such a trooper.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Goose Egg

So Dan Da Man went to his primary care doc, because he has this goose egg on his head and the pressure was getting really uncomfortable. Doc said it was a hematoma, that he had a rogue blood vessel that didn't want to heal and was still bleeding. He sent us to the Neurosurgeon, who sent us directly to the trauma center where he was flown.

They numbed his head up again I think I counted 6 shots, took out the back 3 staples and used a scalpel and cut him open again. They drained 3/4 a cup of puss mixed with blood. Sent him home with 2 really strong antibiotics. Scary infections in his blood we don't need.

They have left the incision open and packed it full of gauze. He will return tomorrow morning to have it removed. But the incision they made won't be stitched or stapled shut....gross huh!

Well, it was a really hard and painful day, definitely a step in the wrong direction as far as healing goes. He did his best to stay in good spirits, even cracked a joke or two for me. My favorite? went something like this.......Does this bandage make my face look fat? Gotta love him.

Thank you Stephanie BTW for getting a sitter for your kids to make a trip to pick up mine. Your a classy Lady, and I love ya.